Badger Class 2018-2019
Welcome to Badger class!
Welcome to Badger class! We are very excited to teach your children this year. If you have any questions please feel free to write in your child's reading diary or ask the teacher at the end of the school day.
A few reminders:
PE is on Mondays. Please make sure your child has a t-shirt, shorts and trainers/plimsolls to wear.
Forest School afternoon is on Thursdays.
Library day is on Wednesdays.
Lifeboat Visitor
We had a visitor from the lifeboat station who spoke to us about their job and how we can stay safe when we visit the coast. He also let us try on some of the equipment they use when they have to rescue people!

DT - Making puppets
As part of our book week, we designed and made a puppet of a character from Alice and Wonderland. It was tricky to thread the puppet together but we all tried to be like Tigger and not give up!
World Book Day!
Today we celebrated World Book Day by dressing up as characters from some of our favourite books. Even the teachers joined in, dressing up as characters from Alice in Wonderland.
Gas mark boxes
Today we made our gas mark boxes in preparation for our World War II evacuation day. Thank you to all of the adults who came in to help...I know how much you enjoyed it!
Fun in the snow!
We had a great time playing out in the snow on our lovely snow day!
Off to the woods...
We enjoyed another lovely trip to Basing Woods, where we looked for signs of winter and then had fun building dens. Have a look at the super 'Anderson shelter' some of the children made to link to our World War 2 topic.
A visitor from the past...
We had a visitor who came to tell us all about life during World War 2. We enjoyed hearing his stories, trying on some of the clothes and singing lots of songs. Ask us to tell you a fact we found out!
This half term in Science we are learning about animals and humans. We had fun labelled the different body parts on each other and making up our own version of "Heads, shoulders, knees and toes".

More Forest School fun!
Whittling, mallets, observational art, music and wiggly worms!
Christmas Visitors!
We had some special visitors come to school today....
Arts weeks
We are having lots of fun being creative for Arts Week. Our theme is fireworks and so far we have made fireworks clay tiles, Catherine wheels, done big art on the playground and there's still much more to come!
Portchester Castle
This week we went on a brilliant trip to Portchester Castle! It was so exciting to see a real castle as part of our topic and everyone was brave enough to climb up to the top of the keep!
Fire service
This week we were lucky enough to have a visit from the Fire Service. We learnt how to keep safe and what to do in an emergency. We even got to go into the fire engine and have a go with the fire hose!
Forest school afternoon
We enjoyed our first Forest School afternoon at school. Mud kitchen, bird watching and bug hunting....
Our trip to the woods

Settling in...
We have been busy in Badger class in our first week back and have settled in well. Look at some of the exciting things we have been up to...