Deefur; our School Dog
Deefur Misses You All!

Deefur is all ready for our Remembrance assembly on Monday; the school council has been selling poppies this week.
Deefur loves a leaf...these autumn photographs were taken in Morgaston Wood :-)
Sunday the sun came out and we visited Corfe Castle and went back for a walk from Lulworth Cove to Durdle Dor in the sunshine...Deefur is still working on perfecting her selfie pose (Miss Egan promises to give her some lessons!)
Miss Wheaton and her family joined us on our Dorset Adventure...still wet we went on a steam train on the Swanage Railway and then enjoyed a blustery walk by the sea!
Deefur went away with Miss Cox and Miss Langdon...we had a very soggy walk around Lulworth Cove in Dorset!
Deefur went for a walk with Stanley who is the dog of our puppy trainer. Stanley did not come to live with Carolann until he was nearly 6 months old so he has to wear a muzzle to stop him eating everything when he's out on a walk...Deefur tried very hard to get the muzzle off so she could kiss Stanley! Stanley was very patient with Deefur!!
Deefur had a busy half term! She started with a visit to Weston Super was a mix of lovely sunshine for ice cream and pouring rain which meant she needed her coat!
Deefur wearing her new coat and enjoying the leaves outside the school office 🍁

Deefur thought she’d hang out her tunnel in the office...
On Thursday Deefur graduated from puppy class!
Some more professional photographs of the rather beautiful Deefur...good preparation for her first ‘school photo’ on Wednesday!!
Photographs taken at puppy class! Our teacher Carolann came to school on Friday to talk to the whole school about how to look after Deefur at school. Thank you Carolann!

A very soggy doggy!
Deefur perfects ‘Fetch!’

Deefur likes to watch the children arriving and going home everyday...
Deefur receives her School Councillor Jumper; in line with the other members of the school council Deefur now is highly visible in her purple jumper!
Deefur visits the Vyne in Sherborne St. John
Puppy Classes!
Deefur can now be seen when she's walking in the dark!
Deefur is not enjoying the rain...she has basically refused to go out until the rain has stopped...however there was nothing she could do once we were out and the rain started!
Deefur 'sharing' Miss Cox's ice cream!
Deefur enjoying a stroll along the canal near Aldermaston Wharf
Deefur visits the Vyne woods in the sunshine (where we met Georgie Mathews, her Mum and her lovely dogs).
Deefur likes to chat to the cows!
Look how much Deefur has grown! The picture on the left was when I met her at 2 weeks old and the one of the right was taken last weekend!
Deefur meets Watson (Mrs Witts' dog) and goes for a walk in Basing Wood
After a busy week at school Deefur was very tired!
Miss Wheaton came with us for Deefur's first walk in the woods!
Deefur's first trip to the seaside in Lee on Solent; Miss Langdon came with us!
Deefur in her school uniform ready for her first day at school!
Deefur and Miss Cox have been working hard practising fetch and drop...Deefur is doing well!

Deefur has moved on from using her watering can to water the garden...she’s now using the hose!!

Deefur did some acrobatics in her tunnel (coached by Miss Wheaton)

Deefur had her first sleepover at Miss Wheaton’s house with her and her family. Miss Cox missed her very much but Deefur had a lovely time with Miss Wheaton :-)
Deefur has learnt to give you both of her paws when asked :-)

To keep Deefur's mind active and keep her out of trouble (!) Miss Cox has bought her some games where she has to work out how to get her treats out!!
Deefur's tunnel. This week Deefur was given a tunnel by Miss Cox's Mum and's safe to say she rather likes it and it will have to come to school so she can still play with it!
Yesterday Carolann, who is a dog trainer, visited Miss Cox and Deefur at home to see how they were getting on. She couldn't believe all the things that Deefur can already do! When Deefur needs to go to the toilet she rings a set of bells on the back door so that Miss Cox can let her out. She come when called, sit, lie down and give you her paw. Carolann will be coming into school in September to do an assembly for all the children about being around a dog so that humans and Deefur are all happy and safe.

Deefur took a little nap under Miss Cox's desk in her 'school bed'. She likes to sleep right on the edge...which when she's on the sofa means you have to create a crash mat for her to have a soft landing!
Deefur managed to walk all the way down to Foxes this week for a good sniff around...she did need Miss Cox to carry her back up to school though!
It's been another busy week for Deefur...when it rained Miss Cox made her a den...Deefur helped by removing the pegs and then enjoyed sitting outside of it looking in!
Thank you to my niece Allegra for helping me with Deefur's training...she can now 'lie down'. Thank you to Claudia (my youngest niece) for taking the video. Well done Deefur you are a very clever girl :-)

Deefur is learning how to follow instructions...we have mastered coming when called and sitting...we are almost there with lie down!

Deefur visits school for the first time...
New harness! Deefur is not yet able to go out for walks until she has had her second lot of injections. Her new harness is a bit big still but it was the smallest one they had!!
Deefur is learning to carry her own waterbottle!
I have got lots of new toys to play with and explore. Thank you to everyone who bought them for me!
This is me having my first meal at home with Miss Cox
As I am still a puppy I sleep almost 16 hours a day...when I am really sleepy I like to lie on Miss Cox's arms, legs and feet!
I am still very tiny. I weigh 4.95 Kg and I am only a little bit taller that an small coke bottle!
Deefur Comes Home!
Deefur Comes Home!
Miss Cox collected Deefur from Essex where she had been living since she had been born. She lived with her Mummy, 2 sisters and 5 brothers. Miss Cox met with a puppy trainer before she picked Deefur up and the trainer told her that she would need to have Deefur on her lap on the way home to keep her safe and calm. Deefur did really well on her journey home especially as there was a traffic jam on the M25 (which is a very busy road). Both Deefur and Miss Cox were very pleased to be at home together