Lunch Menu
Education Catering
With over 30 years of catering experience, our successful ethos is to provide healthy, local, responsible sourced food that adults and children love.
We know that providing award winning meals isn’t enough and so, at HC3S we go that step further, by helping schools and the wider community to encourage children, parents, carers to live healthy lifestyles and think sustainably.
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Does your child need a medical special diet to eat lunch at school?
If your child starts school in September you should register for a special diet menu by 16 June. Simply create an account and upload your medical evidence.
For parents with children already at school who require a medical special diet, please create an account and upload your medical evidence. Please note there is a 10-day turnaround.
In either case parents will need to supply a packed lunch until their child’s menu is available.
Once you have created your account, we will be able to review your medical evidence with our in-house nutritionist in order to devise an adapted menu for your child's school lunch.