Zebra 2017 - 2018
Titanic Day - Thank you to all the adults who came in to share our learning with us!
Ask us what we were learning in Forest School this week!

A day in the woods
Campfires burning!

Creating art at the woods

Our visit to Sea City Musuem

We have been making creations in RE this week. Ask us what we have made!

We have been telling out saddest stories to the sky to see if we can help Lila this week.
St Lucia Day

We have been learning about animals and their habitats in science this week. Look at our new classmate!
Ask us what we are learning in literacy this week...

Den building in Basing Woods

World Book Day Costumes

Book Week - We have been making pirate hats and exploring our new book corner!
Our trip to the Living Rainforest

The Queen has lost her hat! Ask us what we saw.
How messy we got on our first forest school session!

Science Week! Ask us what we've been learning this week.

We have been reciting and writing poems this week.

We counted the money raised for children in need and made amounts in different ways. Can we count your change?
Ask us about the weather as we have been recording it for Science this week.
We have been making a sequence using shapes with our bodies in PE this week.

Literacy - ask us who was lost and what they found!
Arts Week

Shape Factory Employees!

We found a cheese trail in school! Ask us what it led to...
Making shapes in PE
Look what we have been learning in PE this week!

We wrote instructions of how to make our own special teddy bear!
Samuel Pepys came to visit! Ask us what we learnt.

Our first week in Zebra Class!