Ladybird Class 2019- 2020
Thank you for all of your hard work. We are all very proud of you and all that you have done. Have a super summer break and we will see lots of you in September.
Weekend Fun Activities!
Important Letters!
Year R Timetable
Dotty's adventures
Good morning everyone,
As we are all using Tapestry and the Internet much more than usual, it is very important that we know how to stay safe. We would like you to listen to a story all about being safe online especially when playing games. You can find the story by pressing on this link:
Jessie Friends videos - ThinkUKnow Parents text content Episode 3 - Playing Games (6-7 years) . Jessie, Tia and Mo are playing the exciting online game Avelzon where they are trying to beat their nemesis Dr Yekl.A ‘friendly’ unknown gamer starts chatting to Jessie in the game and offers to help the ‘Supertotalmegaheros’ in their quest. |
We would like you to watch this with your grown - ups and then answer the questions in the quiz together. You can write your answers onto the quiz template see below and send it back to us to look at, if you can't do it on the template then write the answers on a piece of paper and take a photograph to send on Tapestry.
There are going to be some other videos and stories, as well as websites your grown-ups may want to look at added on our class page on the school website. You will find them in the home learning section in a folder called 'E-safety'.
Have fun doing the quiz and remember to stay safe online as well as at home.
Thank you Miss Van Nyvel
E-Safety quiz
Dotty's Diary!
Dotty's Diary 31st March

Resources for Home Learning
A little something from all of us that we would like to share with you...

Welcome to Ladybird Class!
Monday = P.E. Please leave your child's P.E. kit in a named draw string bag on the pegs.
Tuesday = Forest School - please bring your change of clothes and shoes in a named plastic bag.
Thursday = Library - please bring your library bag in so you can change your book for a new exciting book.
Friday = Show and Tell - please bring something small in to show the class and tell them about it.
Book Week - Theme - Mary Poppins!