
Marnel Community Infant School Learning without limits

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Giraffe Class 2024-2025

Welcome to the Giraffe Class Page.


On this page you will be able to find out what we have been learning in school. This term our driver for learning is “Castles”.


Our P.E. day is Tuesday and Forest School is on a Friday afternoon. Please remember to bring in named clothing and footwear for these activities.


Wednesday is library day so please ensure library bags are brought in on this day.

Phonics and Early Reading Meeting

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Today the school took part in Number Day and raised money for the NSPCC. Lots of fun was had with some great number based activities throughout the day.

The mud kitchen really lived up to its name this week! The children had a great time in forest school getting muddy and making lots of interesting recipes.

We were lucky enough to have a break in the weather this week and still managed to get outside for some forest school fun!

The excitement has grown this week as we continued to receive letters via paper aeroplane. We decided to reply in the same way which led us to a wonderful book called The Misadventures of Frederick.

High levels of concentration were required this week as the children followed instructions to make a paper aeroplane. This was followed by writing instructions for others to make one. This was needed because we received a letter by plane at the start of the week which caused a lot of excitement!

Christmas at school is a magical time for the children. They have had a wonderful day meeting Father Christmas and some real reindeer!

The busy festive period is upon us and we have been creating some wonderful Christmas crafts, learning our lines and singing songs.

Prince Ronald from the story The Paper Bag Princess was very rude about the Year 2 staff! We decided it was time to teach him some manners and we also learned about the rules of etiquette!

Year 2 Curriculum Evening 2024

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Castles Day on Friday was a huge success. The children had a fantastic time doing castle related activities while being in costume. Much fun was had by all!

This week in literacy we have been continuing our learning around the wonderful book Journey. It is a wordless book and the children have been coming up with ideas about what the girl might be thinking. They have also been learning how to innovate in preparation for next week.

The children have had a busy week of learning this week and has ended with Children in Need day on Friday. We’ve raised money by coming to school in pyjamas and learned about how this days helps children.

Back to school after half term and the children have been expressing themselves for Arts Week. They have done this through some fun and interesting art, music and PE lessons.

We have a brilliant day bring creative and doing exciting activities this week. We designed our own Supertato before bringing him to life and did a amazing scavenger hunt.

A fantastic time was had by all on our trip to Windsor Castle. The children were captivated by the workshops and castle tour.

The children have immersed themselves into our castles topic this term. Lots of fun activities, learning and discussions have been had.

Discovery time is an important part of the school day and the children have many different activities they can choose to do. They can make jigsaws, role play, construct, have a quiet read and do many others things. This week the children have enjoyed exploring the different areas of Discovery time.

This week was a week of faces in Giraffe Class. The children were using their best expressions during literacy hot seating and we had smiling muddy faces in forest school.

Some fantastic learning and fun was had this week, both inside and outside of the classroom. In maths we have been learning about addition and in forest school we did some weaving.

Our first forest school session of Year 2 and the sun kindly paid us a visit. The children had a lovely time exploring our surroundings.

Welcome back to school and to Giraffe Class! The children have settled in wonderfully this week and have all been superstars. They have had lots of fun in the castles themed role play. We have also been talking about school values and learning behaviours as well as taking part in a vote to decide the new school councillors.
