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Hedgehog Class 2023-2024

Welcome to the Hedgehog Class page.

Here you will find out about what we have been learning each week. Every week in Hedgehog Class our P.E. day will be on Tuesday afternoons, our amazing Forest School outdoor learning will be on Fridays and our Library day will be weekly on Wednesday afternoon.

We hope you enjoy looking at our page as much as we have enjoyed the activities we have been doing.

Year 1 Curriculum Meeting Autumn 2023

Still image for this video

What an incredible week! We have loved Titanic Day where we boarded the ship with our tickets, first class passengers first! Then we did some ballroom dancing with partners in the hall to royal music. We wrote a marconigram message home to our families. Then we played games on the desk and worked hard to crack the tricky Morse Code. Finally we made a class portrait of each other and did some role play getting rescued on the life boats. Look at all of the fun we had! .

What a very busy week we have had in Hedgehog Class. This week we have learnt fractions of shapes in Maths and then looked at fractions of quantities. In History we really enjoyed acting out the journey of the Titanic and using the outside space to act as passengers and crew on the ship. In literacy we have been looking at the Lighthouse Keepers Cat and describing him using adjectives. Here are some fun pictures of our incredible week!

We have had a fantastic week in Hedgehog class this week. In maths, we have been looking at division and sharing amounts equally. In literacy, everyone has written an amazing letter telling Emily all about whales and have designed a missing poster for the lost whale. In our history topic, we looked at how ships have been made safer since the Titanic and explored some primary evidence. Everyone enjoyed the different sources, including a postcard, a boarding pass, a newspaper and even a menu!

We have had another busy week in Hedgehog Class. We have loved learning our number bonds to 10 and 20 and used a tens frame to help us. In Literacy we have all written facts about blues whales using subheadings. We loved our History lesson this week looking at primary and secondary sources. We all discussed the Titanic and what happened in chronological order, discussing the key events in detail. Here is some of the learning we have completed.

This week we have been very busy with phonics! We have learnt in Literacy all about Blue Whales and completed a fact sheet and poster with incredible facts. In Maths we have loved looking at coins and playing shops. We have made different amounts using coins and even challenged ourselves to solve problems. Here are some pictures of our fun money work.

We have had a fantastic Outdoor learning week in Hedgehog Class. It was amazing going to Basing Woods to bug hunt, make natural clay monsters and and also collecting natural objects and leaves of various colours. We loved planting our own sunflower seeds and making a wildflower seed ball. In Science we have been learning about the life cycle of a butterfly and completed many experiments making predictions and reasoning why scientifically. What a busy but amazing week!

What an amazing week sports week has been for Hedgehog class! We practiced our races and came up with our team name and song in preparation for sports day. We all loved showing our skills to our parents on the Friday. We had lots of fun!!

What a warm and busy week in Hedgehog class. We have had fun walking to the woods to see signs of Spring and Summer. We loved looking for common plants and flowers, which linked to our Science lessons. In Literacy we wrote a non-chronological report about the Titanic. We used subheadings to help us write facts. In maths we learnt all about multiplying in 2,5 and 10's. Here are some pictures below!

What a busy week we have had in Hedgehog Class! In Literacy we have been writing instructions on how to plant a flower. We used imperative verbs, time adverbials and adverbs to add further detail and so they were specific. In Maths we have been subtracting 10 and multiples of 10 from a 2 digit number. We drew dienes and counted back. In forest school this week we made a special garden for a mini person using natural materials we could find outside. Look the the fun we had with this and the lovely mini gardens we made. We even got to play some fun games!

We have had the best week ever in Hedgehog class! On Wednesday we celebrated Pyjamarama Day and all came in wearing our comfy Pyjamas. It was amazing to meet an excellent author, Simon Murray who helped us draw illustrations from his super book 'Icky Doo Dah!' We then wrote and filmed a book review and make monster book marks. On Friday we went to the Sea City Museum to find out all about the Titanic! It was amazing the facts we learnt and we had lots of fun in the workshops looking at artefacts from 1912. Here is many photos from the week.

This week in Hedgehog Class we have been busy in Literacy helping Mr Wood, by writing a diary entry from the perspective of a character in 'The Storm Whale' text. In Maths we have been working hard on adding tens and multiples of tens to two digit numbers. On Friday during Forest school we used stethoscopes to hear trees absorbing water and carrying nutrients. We had lots of fun and even used string and natural materials to create something useful.

We have had a very busy first week back at school after the Easter holidays in Hedgehog Class. We found a poor creature stuck in our Woodland and write letters to Marwell Zoo to help rescue the lost Seal. We have been describing and naming 2D and 3D shapes and their properties in Maths. In PE we had lots of fun learning how to play Adventure Golf. We all had the chance to use a putter and a chipper and learn how to hold golf clubs properly and begin to use them. It was a lot of fun!

What an incredible last week of term we have had had in Hedgehog Class. We have learnt all about measures, including weight, length, capacity and time in Maths. On Thursday it was our special Easter day! We all went on an Easter egg hunt around the school and followed the clues to find a delicious chocolate egg. In literacy we listened to a special story and wrote what makes us all unique and why we are so special. We had such a brilliant day designing eggs and making a special Easter basket. Look at all the amazing fun we had!

We has a super week this week in Hedgehog class and loved St Lucia Day on Friday. We met Jim a brilliant steel band expert and got the chance to make some rhythms using them. We made amazing Carnival streamers and masks and then made our own rainshakers. What an incredible day and experience we had!

What a brilliant week we have had this week! We have all been so busy writing a story on Rapunzel, some of us use innovation to make up a new evil character in the story. It was Red Nose Day on Friday and we all had such fun dressing up, telling jokes and helping to raise money for people in need. We got to design our own red nose in Art, persuade children to raise money to help Bluey and solve some tricky Maths challenges. We all enjoyed trying to pin the red nose on Deefur.

It has been the third week in Hedgehogs class and we have been very busy writing a diary entry as Rapunzel. We have also been having lots of fun learning Boccia. This is an inclusive sport and we all loved practising our aim to try and hit the Jack! Later in the week we will be heading to Basingstoke Woods.

We had a brilliant week in Hedgehog Class this week! We were very lucky to visit the Living Rainforest. We learnt so many interesting facts about poisonous dart frogs, stick insects and we even met a real life Sloth called Cinnamon. Look at the great fun we all had!

World Book Day was brilliant. We all dressed up as characters from a book and wrote our own Animal Poem, just Like Andy Seed! We then wrote our own creative stories and did lots of fun stop, drop and reads of books in school. It was amazing! Look at the fun we all have had.

This week was the incredible World Book week! We met a famous Author Andy Seed and heard all about his special books. We designed and made our own Tranimalators so we could talk to animals. We also made our own magical creatures and wrote descriptive sentences using expanded noun phrases. We are very excited to be dressing up as our favourite characters on Friday!

This week we have had Safer Internet Day! We learnt all about esafety and how to report anything that makes us feel worried or doesn't seem right online. We also talked about Cyber bullying and how to keep our personal information safe. Here are some pictures with our learning.

This week in Hedgehog Class we have been working hard to divide and writing a fact file all about minibeasts. On Friday were celebrated Number Day with lots of incredible Maths challenges and activities. Here are some photos of the fun we had.

In Hedgehog Class this week we have been looking at 4 new books in the Library award challenge. Today we completed a news report on a missing penguin from the zoo! This was based on the book 'Nabil steals a Penguin'. The children have loved learning all about the different books and tomorrow they are voting for their favourite.

In Hedgehog Class this week we have been very busy writing stories about the Sleepy Sloth and learning about multiplication in Maths. In PE we have been practising our skills of throwing and catching with balls and beanbags. We had lots of fun trying to defend the ball and learning to play some basic netball skills.

This week we have been learning a lot about different animals. We found a lost Cameleon and helped him return to the zoo! We also have been classifying animals into groups; Fish, Birds, Amphibians, Reptiles and Mammals. We found out many interesting facts that makes these animals similar. We even learnt that a bat is a mammal even though it has wings.

What a super first week back at school we have all had after the Christmas holidays. We saw a pantomime 'Aladdin' and it was really funny. We were also very lucky to meet a real firefighter on Thursday who taught us all about fire safety. We learnt lots of safety tips and what to do to prevent a fire or deal with a fire correctly. It was very informative!

What an incredible week we have had! We have performed the Sleepy Shepherd Christmas play to our families and also met real reindeers. We were very lucky to have snow and meet Father Christmas who gave us all a present. Have a very Merry Christmas Everyone!

We have had a very busy week in Hedgehog Class this week. Lots of fun practising the Christmas play ready to show our families next week! We have been looking at ordering non-consecutive numbers to 30 and 50. We improved our counting skills greatly and ordered them from smallest to biggest.

What a very busy week. This week we wrote a Non Chronological Report about the Great Fire of London in the past tense. The writing we produced was brilliant. Look at the amazing progress we have made!

What a brilliant Great Fire of London Day we had! Hedgehog class used a quill to write, learnt how to weave, imagined life in 1666. We were very lucky to make houses and then we all went outside to burn them and met Samuel Pepys! Look at all the amazing fun we had!

This week we raised money for Children In Need. We all came to school wearing our cosy pyjamas! It was great fun. We even designed a new top for Pudsey Bear in Art using our drawing skills. Look at our wonderful designs.

This week we have been learning 5 different shapes in PE. We were very excited to practise our shapes on the apparatus. We used benches to balance, the climbing frame to climb up and horses to jump over.

We have loved our special Arts this week after half term. It was all about Fireworks! In Art, we experimented with different paint and oil pastels. In music we sang a Bonfire Song in rounds and in PE we performed a fantastic firework Dance. The best part was making edible fireworks and having our parents visit us all in school to make a rocket using different Art materials.