Caterpillar Class 2023-2024

Welcome to the Caterpillar Class page.
Here you will find out about what we have been learning each week and when our P.E. and Forest School days are.
We hope you enjoy looking at our page as much as we have enjoyed the activities we have been doing.
P.E. is on a Tuesday
Libary is on a Wednesday
Forest School is on a Thursday
Year R Information Evening 2024

Year R Curriculum Evening Autumn 2023

We have had a busy day! First, we all completed an Easter egg hunt ! We were brilliant at finding all the clues. We also took part in the school egg competition. The children were proud to share their designs with the class. We finished the day creating our own Easter baskets to take home our Easter treats.
Caterpillar Class Transition Book 2023-2024 Meet your new class teacher and TA and find out a little bit about your new classroom.