
Marnel Community Infant School Learning without limits

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Elephant Class 2024-2025

Welcome to the Elephant Class page.


On this page you will be able to find out what we have been learning in school each week. This term our driver is 'Castles'.


Our PE day is Tuesday afternoon and Forest School is on a Friday afternoon.  Please remember to name clothing and footwear for these activities. Our Library day is Monday


 We hope you enjoy looking at our page as much as we have enjoyed the activities we have been doing.


Phonics and Early Reading Meeting

Still image for this video

Year 2 Curriculum Evening 2024

Still image for this video

We really enjoyed Forest School this week. We made cheerio bird feeders and did lots of different tree rubbings.

This week we had a visit from Tempust Fugit who taught us lots of facts about WWII.

In Forest School, we have been creating our own nests. We used materials around the woodland to help us.

This term we are exploring Scratch and using the different programming tools to create our own code t9 move our characters.

Today we received a paper aeroplane letter from a girl called Emily. We were really excited so we made our own letters and flew them back to her!

We enjoyed following the tinsel trail. We met some reindeers and visited Santa’s grotto in the North Pole!

Christmas Fun!

We enjoyed performing our Christmas Nativity!

We have really enjoyed our castle themed discovery time this term!

This week we have explored the book ‘The Dot’ by Peter Reynolds in arts week and have been focussing on ‘expressing ourselves ’. We have explored this through music, dance and art. We have particularly enjoyed our dance workshop and painting using dots.

Supertato Day. Today we created our own supertatoes to help rescue Princess Pepper from the Evil King Cabbage! We had the best day completing lots of different challenges.

This week we have created our own online books about Castles using Book Creator. We have enjoyed videoing, voice recording and finding pictures for our books.

We had the best time on our trip to Windsor Castle. We loved exploring the castle and spotting the different features we have been learning about.

We have loved exploring the different shapes and equipment in PE this term.

This week we explored different coins, values and different ways to make the same value. On Friday we completed a coin investigation.

We ‘hot seated’ Billy from Billy and the Dragon. We did a great job at answering everyone’s questions as if we were Billy!

We have really enjoyed our school and classroom responsibilities.

We enjoyed creating delicious meals in the mud kitchen this week.

We have had a brilliant first week in Elephant Class. We have been discussing our school values and learning behaviours as well as taking part in a vote to decide the new school councillors.
