Elephant Class 2020-2021

Welcome to Elephant Class.
Welcome to Elephant Class. This year we will have our P.E. day on a Wednesday afternoon and Forest School Lite sessions on a Friday afternoon. This term our topic is Castles; together we will learn about where they were built, key features of a castle and interesting facts about who lived inside them.
Year 2 Curriculum Evening Presentation

Year 2 Curriculum Evening Presentation
Year 2 Chapter Book List
This week we enjoyed the sunshine whilst taking part in our very own Coast Day!
This week we enjoyed the warm weather during an exciting Forest School session. We used our imagination in the mud kitchen and created sparks with the dragons breath.
We have had a great book week celebrating different stories and making our own puppets inspired by Quinten Blakes Angelica Sprocket's Pockets
This week we have enjoyed practising different sports and working as part of a team. Well done to the Red Racing Rockets for winning the Year Two relay race and well done to the Speedy Green Machines for their excellent skipping and welly wangging.
Elephant class have celebrated Easter in style by creating our very own Easter Bonnets, making bunny head bands, finger paint sheep and Easter egg glasses. We also had fun learning about the story of Easter and completing an Easter egg hunt!
Today we went back in time to 1940 and we were evacuated to the countryside. Our teachers were a little different to 2021 and the classroom definitely looked different! We learnt all about what school would have been like in the war for children and had a super day.
Today we have enjoyed dressing in red and wearing our red noses to raise money for Comic Relief. We have learnt all about where our money goes and what it is used for. As well as learning about the importance of our donations, we have enjoyed creating our very own red noses. Thank you to everyone who has donated, it is very much appreciated :-)
This week we enjoyed World Book Day. We all dressed up as a character from our favourite books! At school we enjoyed listening and learning more about Julia Donaldson and her amazing books.
This week has been our Forest School and Science week. We have enjoyed getting outside in the sunshine and being creative.
This week we have been thinking about writing recounts and division in maths. Everyone has worked very hard and you should all celebrate this amazing work you have produced.
Well done to everyone who has completed their home learning this week! We have now had 4 weeks at home and you should all be very proud.
We have now finished our 3rd week of home learning. I am beyond proud of the work I have seen. Well done to everyone for your hard work. Here are some pictures to celebrate this.
Well done to everyone in Elephant class for their second week of home learning. Here are some pictures to celebrate this hard work.
We have had an excellent first week of home learning. This week has been science week and we have all been very proud of the work we have seen.
We have had a lovely day dressed up as Lords, Ladies, Knights, and Princesses to celebrate our castle day.
This week we celebrated Children In Need by raising money and dressing up in our pjs. We had a lovely day learning about the charity and being creative doing Pudsey Bear themed activities.

This Wednesday we payed our respect to all the people who have helped us in the past to enjoy our world today. We took part in a 2 minutes silence and learnt more about Remembrance day.
What a fantastic Arts Week we have had! It has been Circus themed and we have loved learning about the circus through art, music and PE!
On Wednesday we celebrated the Harvest Festival. A big thank you to everyone who has donated food that we have given to the local food bank. Elephant Class counted all of their donations and we had a massive 42 items! We enjoyed an assembly and singing ‘big red combine harvester’ in the afternoon.
In Literacy we have been reading the book 'Billy and The Dragon'. We have been creating freeze fames related to how characters in the book feel.

Today we pretended to be spies and recreate a castle by only having 10 seconds each to look at it. After this we labelled the castle with its key features.
This week in PE Mr Murray has been teaching us to warm up/stretch and how to control balls when throwing them.
History - we have been thinking about what is a good location to build a castle.

Art - We designed castles out of LEGO and building bricks
Forest School
We had a great afternoon of Forest School. We enjoyed getting creative in the mud kitchen, working together to play parachute games and trying our best to make "Dragon's Breath" using the fire strikers!
Week 6 story time

Week 5 story time

Week 4 story time

Week 3 story time

Week 2 story time

Week 1 story time