Giraffe Class 2023-2024

Welcome to the Giraffe Class Page.
On this page you will be able to find out what we have been learning in school. This term our driver for learning is “St Lucia”.
Our P.E. day is Friday and Forest School is on a Wednesday afternoon. Please remember to bring in named clothing and footwear for these activities.
Year 2 Curriculum Evening Autumn 2023

Year 2 R.S.E and Science Presentation

What an amazing and interesting day we had this week! It was Titanic day on Friday as we brought our topic of learning to a close. The children dressed for the occasion and enjoyed some Titanic themed activities like ballroom dancing, games on deck, morse code cracking and portrait drawing.
Despite the weather feeling less like Summer the children had their smiles on and thoroughly enjoyed forest school this week. They explored the mud kitchen, tyres and woodland area.
During Forest School the children had a lovely time hunting for bugs and building fairy schools! The children enjoy exploring the woods and using materials left behind by nature.
This week in literacy we have been learning about riddles in preparation for the end of year assembly. The children had a great time discovering and creating their own riddles.
What an amazing week we have had in Year Two. It’s been science and outdoor learning week and the children have been busy in and out of class. We have been so impressed with how they’ve thrown themselves in to every activity. They had a great day at Basing Woods too and as always represented the school so well.
This week was sports week. We did fun activities together as a class and the children spent time in their teams creating banners and chants in preparation for sports day. The whole of giraffe class were superstars and they represented the class so well around the school this week. Well done!
This week in forest school we were lucky enough to have some lovely weather, so we took advantage of this to enjoy some fun activities. This included playing parachute games and creating music with wooden instruments.
This week in literacy we have been focusing on poetry. The children have had a lovely time exploring and creating different kinds of poems.
In school this week we celebrated Pyjamarama Day. The children came in their pyjamas and did lots of fun activities around reading. We had an author visit, made monster bookmarks, reviewed our favourite books and much more!
This week we had the opportunity to visit the Sea City Museum in Southampton. This tied in with our Titantic topic for this term and provided the children with some fantastic learning. Once again, they represented the school so well and really enjoyed the experience.
This week in literacy the learning has been centred around the book Clem and Crab. Before reading the book the children returned to class to find a crab trapped in litter on the classroom floor! This then provided some interesting discussion around beaches a pollution. The children were excited to finally read the story and produce some lovely writing about the character's feelings.
This week we learned about the Easter story and on Friday we had a special Easter Day with lots of different activities. The children had an exciting time following the egg hunt.
This week the children had a lovely time celebrating St Lucia day. After the plane landed they learnt about the culture, trade and music of the island which finished off with being part of a steel band.
On Friday we took part in Red Nose Day. The children learned about the purposes of Red Nose Day and created their own red nose and persuasive speech.
The children had an amazing time on our school trip to the Living Rainforest. This trip tied in with our St Lucia topic and we saw lots of interesting animals and plants.
This week in literacy we have been learning about alternative tales. The children were already familiar with The Princess and the Pea so were excited to hear about the story from the perspective of the pea!
This week was Book Week! We had a visit from an author called Andy Seed and lots of fun lessons and activities around his visit and books. We then ended the week with a fun filled World Book Day.
This week we covered Safer Internet Day which gave the children the opportunity to discuss different forms of technology and how it has changed over the years.
The children had a lovely time full of number games and activities for Number Day for the NSPCC. They were dressed in number related clothes and really enjoyed doing the challenges, which gradually revealed a fact containing numbers.
This week in forest school we went for a walk to Basing Woods. We saw how the seasons are changes and built nests for animals.
This week in literacy we have been focusing on a book about sloth who gets lost. We then looked at the key features of a non-chronological report so we could plan and write our own fact sheet about an animal.
This week in forest school the children had the opportunity to visit the treehouse. They enjoyed making bird feeders and hanging them on the trees in the school grounds.
This week in forest school we explored the woodland area and observed the signs of winter. The children used leaves and twigs from the ground to make nests of various sizes.
We have had a very special and a little bit naughty visitor this week. The elf has been joined by our very own Twiggle who have got themselves into different situations each day. This has helped the children write poetry and letters.
This week in forest school the children used the mud kitchen. This gave them the opportunity to explore different things they could make and to work together.
This week we had Great Fire of London Day, which has been our topic for this term. The day included activities like code breaking, designing fire brigade badges, weaving, using a quill and making cardboard houses. We then had our own Pudding Lane fire to show how the fire spread in 1666.
This week was finished off with the school and children taking part in Children in Need day. They came to school in their pyjamas and did some lovely activities throughout the day. This included writing about things they are thankful for and playing picture bingo.
This week in literacy we have started working on a new unit using a beautiful wordless book called Journey. The children have been using their inference skills to piece the story together. They have also been annotating some ideas, and role playing their own dialogue.
The children have been enjoying Arts Week this week. We have been finding out about different artists and composers. Here they are responding artistically to music composed by Handel

The children finished their learning about poetry in literacy this week. After working very hard on writing their own poems they had the chance to perform them on Friday.
This week in literacy we have been learning about free verse poetry. Here are the children coming up with descriptive language ideas in preparation for writing their own poetry.
This week in forest school we enjoyed a trip out to Basing Woods. We spotted the signs of autumn and created seasonal scenes using foraged items.
Today in Forest School the children enjoyed playing different lawn games. This included a horseshoe hoopla and dung ball rolling!
This week in literacy we have been continuing our learning based on the Billy and the Dragon story. The Children have been editing a description using more interesting language.
This week in forest school we did nature weaving!
The day Samuel Pepys came into school to tell us all about the Great Fire of London. The children enjoyed learning about this historical event through an interactive play!

Belonging Week
Back to school this week and it has been a lovely week getting to know each other and ourselves better. We worked together on our own class charter which is now proudly displayed in the classroom. We all put our own mark on the classroom picture with finger painted spots, which will welcome visitors into the classroom. We also discussed our personal qualities and what would make a good school councillor in preparation for deciding who will become our class representatives on the school council. This all tied in with lessons and discussions about British Values and democracy.