Elephant Class 2019 - 2020
Balloon Release
Leaver's Assembly! Today we said goodbye to all our friends and all were given our special Marnel pencil cases from Miss Cox! We will miss you all very much!
Summer Fayre! Today we had lots of fun at your summer fayre. We had a bouncy castle and lots of fun games. It was a fantastic day!
Sports Day! We had a great day playing sports with each other. We made banners and cheered on our teams! It was lots of fun!
Thank you for all of your hard work. We are all very proud of you and all that you have done. Have a super summer break and we will see lots of you in September.
Your weekend activities are here!
Words of the Year 2 songs.
The Summer Reading Challenge is here!
Resources for Home Learning
A little something from all of us that we would like to share with you...

Welcome to the Elephant Class page! Here you can find important information about what is coming up and also see all of the exciting things we have been getting up to!
If you have any questions please feel free to write in your child's reading diary or ask the teacher at the end of the school day.
A few reminders:
Forest School - We take part in Forest School activities outside every Thursday afternoon. Please can all children have a change of clothes for this (that you don't mind getting muddy) and also a pair of wellington boots as it can get very muddy down in the woodland.
P.E. - Our P.E. day is a Tuesday each week. Please ensure your child has their P.E. kit in school all week and that all items of clothing including shoes are labelled with a name. The children will also need clothing suitable for outdoor P.E. e.g. tracksuit bottoms. Thank you.
Library day on Monday!
Spelling Test will take place every Tuesday
Number Bond Quiz will take place every Friday.
Great Fire of London Day - 29/11/19
Trip to Basing Woods 14/11/19
Forest School Fun!

Arts Week! 04/11/19 - 08/11/19
Forest School Lite - Basing Woods 26/09/19
This week we visited Basing Woods as part of our Forest School Lite sessions and observed some of the changes taking place in nature now that Summer has come to end and Autumn is here. We found an oak tree and the children noticed that some of the leaves have already begun to fall! We also noticed a wild blackberry bush nearby and discussed that blackberries are a Autumnal fruit, which mean they grow and become ripe in Autumn. We also had a safety discussion about not eating wild berries that you do not know!
As part of our Science topic of seasonal change, we will be observing our oak tree on each half-termly visit to Basing Woods to see what has changed throughout the year as a result of the seasons.

Tempus Fugit visit - The Great Fire of London and Samuel Pepys
As part of this term's topic of The Great Fire of London, we were very lucky to have a special visitor come to Marnel Infants to see Key Stage One last week. Tempus Fugit put on an excellent performance that engaged our children and really got them excited to learn all about the Great Fire and Samuel Pepys! We found out that the fire started in Thomas Farriner's bakery in Pudding Lane and that people worked together to create 'water-chains' to try and put the fire out.
During our history lessons over the next couple of weeks we will be learning more about Samuel Pepys, who wrote an eye-witness account of the events of the Great of London in the form of a diary.