Hedgehog Class 2016 - 2017
Welcome to Hedgehog class! Miss Van Nyvel and Mrs Mallinson are very excited to be working in Hedgehog class and doing lots of great learning with your children. This term we will be learning all about castles! We will be learning about the parts of the castle and what they were used for. We will also be going on a castle visit to Portchester Castle!
Castle Day!
Portchester Castle!
Red Nose Day!
Gruffalo Trail!
Partitioning numbers in to tens and ones!
Trip to the Woods!
Book Week!
Evacuation Day!
How to escape a Bomb - Instructions
Science Day!!
Our Autumn Walk!
Lost and Found!
THANK YOU! for the generous food you gave towards our Harvest Festival, we managed to fill three boxes up! We celebrated with a special Harvest Festival Assembly where we thanked the farmers for growing the foods, sang some harvest songs and learnt about where the food was going.
Our P.E. day is Wednesday Your child will need their P.E. kit in school everyday with a white T-shirt, black shorts and trainers or plimsolls please, with their names on all items of clothing and footwear. Please take earrings out and tie long hair back to keep your child safe during their exercising.
Thank you
Miss Van Nyvel
What are we learning this week?
In literacy we will be gathering information on arctic life and sorting it into sub headings.
In Maths we will be learning to divide objects and read division number sentences.
On Friday we have our Children in Need day! please wear your Pjs, bring a teddy and money to raise for Pudsey!
We will be busy practising our spellings everyday and our handwriting too - we are going to be star writers!