Lion Class 2018-2019
Welcome to Lion Class!
Welcome to Lion Class we are very excited to teach your children this Year. If you have any questions please feel free to write in your child's reading diary or ask the teacher at the end of the school day.
Spring term
Forest School Lite
This term we will continue to be spending every Tuesday afternoon outside. Please ensure your child has a change of warm clothes and wellies, (sun hat and suncream if it is hot!) for this as we will be going out whatever the weather!
Our PE day this half term is Thursday, we are doing outdoor PE so make sure your child has warm clothes and outdoor shoes, please ensure your child has their PE kit in school all week and that all items of clothing including shoes are labelled clearly with their name. Thank you.
Lion's library day is now Thursday. Please ensure your child's library bag with their library book is brought to school on Thursdays for changing.
This term we are learning all about Coasts through geography, art and Literacy. You can help your child by reading books from the library or looking at webpages for children.
18.06.19 Denbuilding, Ladybird Larva and nests
11.06.19 avoiding the rain!
Forest and Science Week
21.05.19 Forest Schools - getting mucky in the mud kitchen!
15.05.19 Watercolour work
07.05.19 Forest Schools
30.04.19 Forest Schools
05.04.19 Easter gardens, they are all amazing, Well done everyone!
02.04.19 Forest schools
01.04.19 Evacuee day
19.03.19 A walk to the woods
15.03.19 Red Nose day fun
06.03.19 We have found some special animals that the Midnight Gardener has made
28.02.19 Book day! Excellent costumes everyone!
12.02.19 Forest school fun in the mud kitchen
07.02.19 Open morning - thank you for all your help making our gas mask boxes!
Snow fun!
29.01.19 A wintery woodland walk. We looked at what the woodland was like in Winter. Only evergreen plants had leaves such as firs and holly. As there were not many leaves we could even see the road and houses through the gaps in the trees. There was also some ice on the ponds!
Forest schools lite 22.01.19
10.01.19 A special visitor came to school!
First week of 2019! We are learning about WW2. The children have been expolring the new role play area and making lego models for our WW2 display.
21.12.18 Last day a term and some very special visitors
19.12.18 Well done to all the children in Lions, Rabbits and Bumblebees for a super nativty today. A few photos of some of the children in their costumes.
Christmassy activities
04.12.18 Forest schools
30.11.18 Castle day
27.11.18 Fun in the mud!
20.11.18 Searching for Mr Bone in the woods!
Children in Need. In Lion class we have raised £37.23! Wow! A big thank you to you all!
Forest Schools 14/11/18
Remembrance Day