Rabbit Class 2019 - 2020
Thank you for all of your hard work. We are all very proud of you and all that you have done. Have a super summer break and we will see lots of you in September.
Good morning Rabbits,
What another super week we have had. It has been lovely to see so many of you in school this week and lots of posts on Seesaw. You are all doing so well and working very hard on all the activities that have been set. There were also lots of lovely posts of all the activities you tried last weekend. Well done for being super Tiggers and trying hard even when things are a bit tricky!
Now it is the weekend and we thought you might like some more ideas of what you could get up to both inside and out. We would love to see any photos or videos of what you get up to and how creative you can be! Remember to get outside and enjoy some fresh air and have lots of fun with your family. Don’t forget to ask your mum or dad to let your teacher know how many times you have read this week so we can celebrate all those Star Readers each week.
Take care, stay safe and as always remember to keep listening to your grown-ups. We look forward to finding out what you have been doing.
Miss Wheeler and Mrs Barcena
Have an American Feast! ……………………………………………………………………………………….
Who doesn’t love burgers and hotdogs! Why not have an American themed feast this weekend… you could try making your own burgers and adding some different toppings like pickles and cheese! What else will you eat? Perhaps some fries some popcorn or a New York cheesecake for pudding? Why not take some pictures of your American feast and share them on Tapestry or Seesaw. Have a super time!
Play the Bean Game …………….………………………………………………………………………………...
For this game you will need lots of space. Take it in turns to call out the different kinds of beans. For example ‘Baked Bean’ – curl up in a ball on the floor, ‘Runner Bean’ – run as fast as you can, ‘Jumping Bean’ – jump up and down on the spot, ‘Jelly Bean’ – wobbly about like bowl full of jelly, ‘Broad Bean’ – stand still with your arms and legs stretched as far as you can, ‘Magic Bean’ – wave your magic wand and call out “abracadabra” and ‘Frozen Bean” – stand as still as a statue. I’m sure that you will have lots ore ideas! Have lots of fun and remember to post some pictures on Seesaw or Tapestry.
Play I Spy…
Collect a cardboard tube and use it like a telescope. Look through one and end and spot an object that you can name. Say out loud to “I spy with my little eye something beginning with…” and say the letter or sound that the object begins with. Can the people in your family work out what it is that you have spotted? Take it in turns to spot an object using your telescope and guessing what it is. Perhaps you could take a photograph and challenge your teacher to a game of ‘I Spy’. I wonder if they will know what you have spotted in your picture!
Be an artist
This week’s art work is all about superheroes! Why not have a go at some of these ideas or choose one of your own. Spiderman is my favourite superhero; I might have a go at drawing him this weekend. We would love to see some of the pictures that your create so don’t forget to take a picture and post it on Tapestry or Seesaw.
Story Time
A bit of a mix of stories this week but they include one of my favourite foods… doughnuts! I especially like ones with pink icing and sprinkles; deeeeeeelicious!!! Enjoy some quiet time and snuggle up under a blanket and listen to some stories. We have listened to so many together over the last few months; we hope you enjoys this selection too.
Clark the Shark by Bruce Hale
Carla’s Sandwich by Debbie Herman
Arnie the Doughnut by Laurie Keller
Chalk Art
This is such a fun and simple activity for all the family. Take some chalks and create some street art in your back garden, on the wall or on your front path. You could draw a rainbow, practise your bubble writing or draw a picture of your family or friends. The best thing about this activity is that there is very little mess or tidying up as the rain can wash it all away and the water will dry up in the sun! Don’t forget to take some photos and post them for us to see.
Be a Scientist
Go on a Bug Hunt
Why not ask your grown-ups at home to take you and your family out for a walk. As you walk along see how many of the bugs you can find. There are lots around at the moment but they are very good hiding so you may have to stop and be still for a few moments and listen and look carefully to see what you can find. Have a lovely time outside and enjoy the beauty of the world around you. Remember when you are out with your grow-ups to stay safe like Kanga and listen carefully to their instructions.
The Summer Reading Challenge is here!
Weekly Timetable
Resources for Home Learning
A little something from all of us that we would like to share with you...

Welcome to Rabbit Class! We are very excited to teach your children this year. If you have any questions please feel free to ask Miss Wheeler or Mrs Barcena at the end of the day or write in your child’s reading diary!
A few reminders:
Our Library day is Wednesday.
PE is on Thursdays,
Forest school afternoon is on Fridays.
Please ensure that your child has the correct kit for these days. For PE they need a t-shirt, shorts and trainers and for forest school they need trousers, t-shirt, wellies and waterproofs.
We had a brilliant book week. We created our very own Mary Poppins puppets, did lots of reading in strange places and came dressed up as our favourite story characters. We even had the illustrator Paul Stickland come to visit and we had a go at drawing our very own dinosaurs.
We retold they story of the gruffallo!




We had a fantastic time at forest school, we even made fire,


We had a brilliant day at school! Merry Christmas to all the Rabbits!
We had a great day today making our very own Christingles.
We had an amazing day! We made our own houses and had our own Great Fire of London and Samuel Pepys even visted.
We had a brilliant day for children in need! We came in in our pyjamas to raise money.
We sorted materials and thought about what material different things were made from.
This week we have been learning about the story of Dick Whittington and today we did some hot seating pretending to be him.
Our first week back this term was arts week! We had a fantastic week learning loads of fantastic things about space.
We had a brilliant workshop with Stacey and Andy.

We had great fun splatter painting
Splatter painting

Space dancing