Zebra Class 2021-2022

Welcome to Zebra Class.
This term we are learning about the “Titanic”. We will have the library on a Thursday, P.E. on a Thursday afternoon and Forest School on a Tuesday afternoon. Please bring your named PE kit to school every Monday, it will stay in school for the week and returned to you on Friday.
Chapter books
All aboard the Titanic..... A wonderful Titanic topic day was enjoyed by all in Zebra Class.
Sea City museum trip - Thursday 7th July
Outdoor learning and science week of 6th June
We have had a wonderful week exploring the outdoors finding many different ways to use our stick, exploring the artworks of Claire Youngs and experimenting in science. It has been a great week and the children throughly enjoyed it, especially eating marshmallows!
Pyjamarama Day 13.5.22 - Today we have had great fun in our pyjamas helping Supertato find the missing fish fingers!
Easter day celebrations - we had a wonderful day. Happy Easter to you all!
St Lucia day - the children flew to St Lucia and experienced playing the steel pan drums, fruit tasting, making rainmakers, masks and streamers.
The Living Rainforest trip - We had a wonderful time exploring and learning more about the rainforest!
Forest school - we had a great time creating bird nests and exploring the woodland area.
World Book Day 2022- a selection of photos from our day
World Book week
We have had a wonderful week exploring all things ‘Winnie the witch’. It all started on Monday when all the words disappeared from many of our non-fiction books in the library! The children have been busy writing new non-fiction information as well as an Art and DT project involving colour mixing and mechanisms.
This week in Zebra Class.....

The Last Tiger news report

The Last Tiger News Report

Burning down Pudding Lane
On Friday afternoon, we re-enacted The Great Fire of London by burning down Pudding Lane. We went back in time and saw how quickly the fire spread, we were able to then use our knowledge to help put the fire out. Samuel Pepys was there writing his diary! We tried to use water squirters and buckets of water to put the fire out, but this did not stop the fire from spreading. Mrs Giles-Cox then used a fire hook to create a fire break. We have a great afternoon applying what we had learned this term in a real life situation.
This week in Zebra Class:
As part of our Great Fire of a London topic we had a very special visit from the Fire Service to teach us all about fire safety. The children were so excited and learnt a lot from the workshop. Also this week the children in Zebra Class really enjoyed exploring the apparatus in gymnastics making the basic 5 gymnastic shapes.
Week of 27th September
We have had a wonderful week exploring the book ‘The Queens hat’ and investigating newspaper reports. We managed to stay mostly dry during Forest School. Here are some of the things we have been doing.
Our first week in Zebra class has been wonderful. The children have settled really well and had fun helping make Zebra class a happy place to be. Here are a few of the things we have been doing.
Monday 13th September
We had a special visitor today to help us learn all about ‘The Great Fire of London’. Samuel Pepys came to help us learn all about what happened and we asked some of the questions below: