Lion Class 2019 - 2020
Balloon release! This afternoon we released balloons with a message to what we would like to be when we are older.
Summer Fayre! Today we had lots of fun at your summer fayre. We had a bouncy castle and lots of fun games. It was a fantastic day!
Leaver's Assembly! Today we said goodbye to all our friends and all were given our special Marnel pencil cases from Miss Cox! We will miss you all very much!
Thank you for all of your hard work. We are all very proud of you and all that you have done. Have a super summer break and we will see lots of you in September.
Sports Day! We had a great day playing sports with each other. We made banners and cheered on our teams! It was lots of fun!
The words of the Year 2 songs.
The Summer Reading Challenge is here!
Resources for Home Learning
A little something from all of us that we would like to share with you...

Forest School Learning - we made brilliant leaf mobiles, excellent mud pies and hot mud chocolates and were all wrapped up warm! Thank you for sending in Forest School Kit and making sure your child is wrapped up warm for the colder weather. Unicorn hats and gloves are especially welcome to cheer us up on a cold and foggy day!!!
Time to wrap up as Winter is coming! Please make sure that your child is wrapped up for the colder weatther. We will be going out for Forest School whatever the weather so please make sure your child has lots of warm waterproof layers. Thank you!
Arts Week
Splashing puddles and Autumn Trees! The rain doesn't stop Lions having a great Woodland Walk!
Week 6 Forest School
Lion Class Walk to Basing Woods
Our Walk to Basing Woods
We had a wonderful walk to the woods on Thursday 19th September. The weather was glorious and we were able to identify the first signs of Autumn. We also located and named our Class Tree. If you are ever on a walk in the Basing Woods see if you can find it!!!
Welcome to Lion Class!
Welcome to Lion Class we are very excited to teach your children this Year. If you have any questions please feel free to write in your child's reading diary or ask the teacher at the end of the school day.
Autumn term
Forest School Lite
This term we will continue to be spending every Thursday afternoon outside. Please ensure your child has a change of warm clothes and wellies, (sun hat and suncream if it is hot!) for this as we will be going out whatever the weather!
Our PE day this half term is Monday we are doing outdoor PE so make sure your child has warm clothes and outdoor shoes, please ensure your child has their PE kit in school all week and that all items of clothing including shoes are labelled clearly with their name. Thank you.
Lion's library day is now Wednesday. Please ensure your child's library bag with their library book is brought to school on Wednesdays for changing.
This term we are learning all about Great Fire of London through history, art, PE and Literacy. You can help your child by reading books from the library or looking at webpages for children.
Welcome to Week 3!!! Hope that all the children and now settled into Lion Class.
We are really looking forward to our trip to the woods on Thursday 18th September. The weather has been glorious! Please ensure that you child has long sleeve and long trousers for our visit to the woods please. We will post some photos!
We have been learning all about the passage of the sun in Science. It would be great if you could ask your child to explain what they know about why we have day and night!
In Maths we have been working hard on Place Value. We would really appreciate your support in counting forward and backwards from 100 at home. We are also encouraging the children to count in sets of 10 and 2. Some are also counting in 5s which is super.
Thank you for all your support regarding Education City, Words and for Star Reader stamps. It really makes a difference to the progress in class.
If you have any queries please speak to us and we look forward to meeting you for Parental Consultation very soon. Please make sure you have signed up for an appointment.
Thank you!! Lion Team